Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life as seen on my phone

Now that I have Richard's fancy phone, I can take decent pictures and they automatically sync with my google account, making it so much easier to get them saved to the computer and put on blogs. I'll have to do a few more posts soon to add some more cute pics, but here's a bunch of what we've been up to lately.
Sibling Love! They were being so sweet together a few days ago. Elliot is actually starting to stand up for his sister. A boy was trying to push Libby at the playground and Elliot ran up and starting yelling "NO, NO, NO!" and was waving his arms in a scolding way. It was pretty adorable.

Set up the toddler bed yesterday. Elliot had fun pretending to sleep on it and jumped on it. He slept on it last night for the first time.

We are potty training Elliot. These are the best undies I've ever seen. He's so cute! I need to make him a cape for sure.

Sitting on the pot! haha!

Bum crack

I don't think you fit in the castle buddy....

Libby loves to pic flowers. Especially "fuzzy flowers". Lately when we go to the park, she wanders off to pick dandelions instead of play on the play ground 

Throwing sticks and rocks into the canal is a new favorite thing for the kids.

Elliot especially loves it. Sometimes I'm afraid he's gonna jump right in. He screamed all the way home one night because he was so mad we had to leave.

She brought me a bouquet.


Making a wish on the dandelion

Libby's picture of a dancing snowman/person wearing a smiley face shirt and has shoes (which she thought was very important)

This kid took over our bed a few mornings ago.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Old enough for Nursery

It's hard to believe this guy is 1 1/2 already! He still seems like a baby to me even though he is walking and saying a few words. He is so funny and happy and such a joy to our family.

Elliot's stats:
Height: 31in (15%)
Weight: 23 lbs (14%)
Head: 19in (64%)

I kept thinking he was a big guy since he has all these tiny friends, guess he is pretty tiny too. Very proportionate height/weight though, with a big head.

Such a big boy!
What Elliot's up to these days
Elliot will drive cars around on the floor, can stack up 4+ blocks, dances a lot, and loves to throw balls. He also LOVES t.v. (a little too much), he knows that the wii remote will turn on netflix and if he can't get it to work, he brings it to me and yells at me. Poor kid has had to watch a lot of princess movies and angelina ballerina, thanks to Libby, he doesn't seem to mind, but he definitely likes Thomas the train or Curious George better if he gets the chance to watch them. He has also hit the tantrum stage and will throw himself on the ground when he is angry and cover his face and cry. It's pretty entertaining most the time...he is still a pretty happy kid most the time and gets along with other kids pretty well. He does really well in nursery. He loves animals, especially this hideous stray cat that hangs around our apartment complex. He follows it around meowing at it, which is pretty darn cute and funny.
Getting a picture of him these days is hard. He is far to busy to stop and pose and it seems like most turn out blurry.

Elliot's words at 18 months: 
bye bye
pee pee
knock knock
bottle (bobble)
(fish noise)
night night
peek (as in peekaboo)
bath (ba bat)
woof (he will only do it occasionally)
play (playground)

He's adding more words all the time and is getting better at imitating words. It's so much fun.