Sunday, April 15, 2012

Libby and Elliot playing together

Poor Elliot just wants that Elmo, but it keeps being just out of reach!

Libby singing

We spend a lot of time sitting in the bathroom, so I use it as an opportunity for Libby to sing to me. I've been surprised at her memory. Here she is singing "I love to see the temple" I hope you can understand most of the words. :)

Choices and prayers

I've been sort of teaching Libby about making choices. She is very independent and wants to share her opinion about things. So to help her feel like she has a say in the day to day things of her life I give her choices. Ex: Do you want to wear jeans or a skirt and tights? Do you want beans and rice or pasta for lunch? It usually goes pretty well. Lately though if I don"t give her a chioce, she gives herself one. I'll say "ok Libby, time for a nap" and she"ll reply with "or go outside? ok, go outside" how am I being outsmarted by a 2 year old? She is having a hard time realizing she doesn't get choices on everything. She is giving herself more and more choices though and it can be pretty amusing at times.

So Libby is having a hard time still with doing #2 on the potty. She was crying b/c it hurt and she didn't want to do it. I was encouraging her to though and determined to get her to go. I told her we could say a prayer to Heavenly Father and he would help her feel better. We said the prayer and she was still crying about it and trying to get off the potty. I told her she had stay on there for a few more minutes and left the room to get something. I heard a loud cry and then Libby said "heavenly father helped me" I ran in to see if she was okay and what do you know, she pooped! I was glad that Heavenly Father answered her prayer so quickly. When you're 2 it's hard to understand the power of prayer unless it's answered pretty immediately. She keeps talking about Heavenly Father helping her feel better on her bumbum.

Holding his bottle all by himself

In other news, this cute little man has found his feet and loves to hold them and has figured out how to roll! It's pretty fun to watch him. He's only gone from tummy to back 1-2 times, but he's rolled from back to tummy quite a few times on his own this week! So much fun to watch them reach the little milestones.

in the process of uploading a few videos to youtube. I'll post them later. :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Water baby

It seems we have another water baby. We went swimming tonight for FHE. Both kids loved it. It was the first time for Elliot and he was so happy and adorable as usual. Sadly no pictures. We've been putting him in the bath with Libby lately too which they both think is lots of fun. Libby begs me to put him in with her. I have to hold him up in the bath since he can't sit up by himself yet (getting close!) and that means I'm usually soaked from all the splashing and my back is usually really sore from bending over. It's pretty adorable though and usually worth it.

I can't believe Elliot will be 5 months old tomorrow! It really flew by so fast. Way faster than with Libby. He's really found his voice lately. It's so cute to hear him sing/talk to himself. He loves his reflection too. We have a little baby mirror that ties onto the crib and I've been laying him in there next to it and he'll coo and smile at himself for a long time.

Libby says hilarious things all the time now too. She is starting to say her own prayers now too. She thinks it's fun to pray. After we finish a prayer she'll say "again!" and so we pray for something else. Tonight her prayer went something like this "heavenly father, please blesses george, please blesses maya, please blesses leo, blesses mommy and daddy, please blesses baby elliot, (we finally cut in with in the name of jesus christ) Amen! Again?" She will have very blessed stuffed animals :) and we feel blessed just listening to her cuteness. There seem to be too many s's in bless so it comes out sort of like blesses. Another thing Libby likes to say is "idaho," She thinks it's really funny and clever when she says it. And she says "what the heck!" ALL the time. Another cute one is "oh yes yes yes!" and "oh there you are!" and her conversations with her peg people are always very entertaining. I've also recently noticed she knows a surprising amount of songs and most of the words to them. I got a few videos of her today singing that I'll hopefully get around to posting soon.

this ended up being a lot longer than I planned. My kids are just too cute I guess, I can't help but brag about them. :)