Sunday, April 15, 2012

Choices and prayers

I've been sort of teaching Libby about making choices. She is very independent and wants to share her opinion about things. So to help her feel like she has a say in the day to day things of her life I give her choices. Ex: Do you want to wear jeans or a skirt and tights? Do you want beans and rice or pasta for lunch? It usually goes pretty well. Lately though if I don"t give her a chioce, she gives herself one. I'll say "ok Libby, time for a nap" and she"ll reply with "or go outside? ok, go outside" how am I being outsmarted by a 2 year old? She is having a hard time realizing she doesn't get choices on everything. She is giving herself more and more choices though and it can be pretty amusing at times.

So Libby is having a hard time still with doing #2 on the potty. She was crying b/c it hurt and she didn't want to do it. I was encouraging her to though and determined to get her to go. I told her we could say a prayer to Heavenly Father and he would help her feel better. We said the prayer and she was still crying about it and trying to get off the potty. I told her she had stay on there for a few more minutes and left the room to get something. I heard a loud cry and then Libby said "heavenly father helped me" I ran in to see if she was okay and what do you know, she pooped! I was glad that Heavenly Father answered her prayer so quickly. When you're 2 it's hard to understand the power of prayer unless it's answered pretty immediately. She keeps talking about Heavenly Father helping her feel better on her bumbum.

Holding his bottle all by himself

In other news, this cute little man has found his feet and loves to hold them and has figured out how to roll! It's pretty fun to watch him. He's only gone from tummy to back 1-2 times, but he's rolled from back to tummy quite a few times on his own this week! So much fun to watch them reach the little milestones.

in the process of uploading a few videos to youtube. I'll post them later. :)

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