Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I've been neglecting our blog....

it's been a busy few months. 3 trips in a month and a half! End of April we went to Utah for my brother Matt's wedding to Ashley. May we were in Texas for Richard's brother Orson's graduation from law school. Beginning of June the kids and I went to California for my Grandpa Olive's funeral. Lots of driving and traveling with 2 little kids....not my favorite thing, but glad we went on all 3 trips. I love my family. We'll be heading up to Washington in August for Penny's wedding! Yay! We are excited.

Libby update: Favorite phrases: "I do it all by myself", "mom, I being so so careful" "I need some chalocolate" (I love how she says chocolate) Favorite character/movie: Toy story. She has a serious obsession. Best friend: Orson, although she does love all the kids in her nursery class.  Favorite thing to do: Swing at the park, use stamps, play with friends, watch toy story. Favorite song: You've got a friend in me.

Elliot update. Sits up very well. Put things in and out of his mouth (pulls binky in and out, very proud of himself and holds bottle very well). Grabs everything he can reach. Rolls to get toys. Loves baths and swimming. Still super happy and smiley. Eats baby food and little yogurt melts--not a fan of most solid-type foods like cheerios.

Richard update: Semester is more than half over. yippee! Bought a bike at DI and rides to school (if he gets up early enough). new calling at church with me: Primary teacher for CTR 7! Pretty awesome. We have 2 girls in our class, both from kind of odd family situations which is interesting and both will hopefully be getting baptized at teh end of the summer.

Becky update: New calling (see above). Done a few sewing projects: Cool stroller bag, little outfit for Elliot (almost done), skirt for Libby, fish bags. I also was put in charge of a walking group for our ward. Okay, doesn't sound exciting, but I am happy because I think it will get me walking/exercising more. I tend not to walk as far when I'm by myself with the kids. And it's pretty hard to do any other kind of exercise besides walk with 2 kids. Plus I get to visit with friends while we walk. Time for picture dump....
Richard's father's day present: pop rocks, pop tarts, tootsie pops, soda pop and popcorn
Libby thought she was hilarious when she put the johnny jump up on and walked around
Handsome boy in his church clothes!
Shoulder rides :)
Cool hair-do I did for Libby
Libby making her own cooking sensation.....
my boys
Why is Libby in a basket on the porch? I was wondering the same thing....Sometimes 2 yr olds have interesting ideas of fun. 

Made this outfit this week for Elliot and holy smokes does he have a cute face. I think it looks like a little jailbird outfit. Oh and look how good he's sitting now!
Found a high chair at a garage sale a few weeks ago. The kids love it. Elliot, stop getting so big!

They looked so cute in their diaper bums I had to get a picture

Love Elliot's face in this one.

Elliot's getting into everything now. I left the room for a minute and he was so happy he had grabbed the bag of diapers and shook all the diapers out.

At the zoo. We went with Julie, Mike and Zach.


  1. What a cutie Elliot is! I love his cute suspenders!

  2. I should'nt incriminate myself, ya'll are in serious dangerous of me kidnapping Libby. Such a good buddy! Nice comb-over in the last pic on richard, your hair must not be quite as curly as mine, if mine is last long it turn into an uncontrolled fro.

  3. I have some work ahead of me in becoming the favored aunt. It will happen though.

  4. good luck annaliese, i'm visiting idaho next week
