Saturday, September 1, 2012

potty training success

Libby is totally potty trained! Day and NIGHT! Well, at least I think so on night. Richard decided we could just leave her in her underwear at bedtime and see what happened. I made him promise to clean up the pee because I didn't think she was ready. Boy was I surprised when she crawled in bed with me in the morning with dry underwear on. Today was day 2 of staying dry all night. I'm very excited. Libby also finally figured out doing #2 on the potty is good. I told her she didn't have to take a nap if she pooped on the potty and ever since then she's been doing it. (some days I regret that promise because no nap means no mommy time and a very crazy toddler, but we seem to be adjusting and really I'd rather her be potty trained than get 2 hrs of quiet....i think) We may have also promised her ice cream cone if she does poopoo. She has to wait till richard gets home from work to get her cone (if we don't make her wait, she'll do a tiny bit and beg for a cone) Making her wait all day seems to work, but first thing she says when dad walks in the house is "Daddy I need an ice cream cone! I go poopoo in the potty". Funny girl. She's pretty proud of herself. She keeps telling me "mommy, I'm bigger now". So glad to only have 1 kid in diapers now. We've also had very few accidents this week, which is quite nice.

1 comment:

  1. What a relief to you and hopefully Elliot will also get trained in a year -/+. It was great to see how proud of herself she is.
