Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Libby's birthday interview

I did a birthday interview with Libby! Here are the results:

Note: Self portrait she drew has teeth in the mouth, which is why it looks a little creepy. She also drew her future baby sister (she really wants it to be a girl, few more weeks and we'll know for sure!!)

Libby also got to have her "SUPERSTAR" day in preschool where she got to be the center of attention for about 10 minutes and talk about all the things she loves. We made a poster that got to be hung up in the classroom and she brought in a few of her favorite things.
Best friend Lila is front & center there!


  1. This is great that both parents got to be there. for SUPERSTAR, she looks happy. I am glad you interviewed her, that will be a good remembrance..

  2. love the birthday interview idea
