Sunday, June 1, 2014

28 week pregnancy update

We have hit the 3rd trimester of pregnancy now!  I am now 29 weeks but at 28 weeks we got a peek at Miss Eleanor. She looked quite comfy all stretched out in there. She is measuring at the right size and I am no longer partial previa so a c section isn't required! Yay. I had a bunch of tests done and I passed the diabetes, platelet count, and liver tests! Another yay! My blood pressure was also really good. The only not so great thing was my iron was low. They'll check it again next time and might put me on a supplement. I wish I liked leafy greens, like at all, so I could get my iron and increase veggies, but I find them generally repulsive, I can only stand small amounts of lettuce on sandwiches. Anyways, fingers crossed I keep passing my tests.

I am getting anxious to be done with this pregnancy though. I have had horrible heartburn lately and I am very uncomfortable all the time. I've made some cute things for the baby's room too which make me excited to decorate. Her room is being used as a temporary workspace though. I am a vendor at the Wonderland boutique June 6-7 so I have been working like crazy. Richard is gone a lot of nights and I don't like being down in the basement while the kids sleep. (not used to this big house I guess). I feel like I haven't done nearly enough for the boutique but I have worn myself out, plus trying to get ready for the Bell family reunion and generally have fun with my kids, iI think I may finish the last few I have cut out and call it good. One of my aprons will be on TV on Tuesday. I don't really know any details, but the boutique is getting a shout out and my Elsa dress up apron will be featured. Woohoo, almost famous!

Sorry no house pics yet! We're getting our couch delivered on Tuesday, so we have to wait for that and we just barely got the desktop to connect to the internet and that's where I like to do anything with pictures (i'm way too lazy to look for the USB camera cord, I'd rather just stick the card into the card reader). For now you can see random pics on Facebook/Instagram.

Also hopefully soon we'll have a video of Libby singing in the ward talent show. I'm so proud of her, she really did awesome! We didn't know she'd be so brave!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are so much more ambitious when pregnant than I was. Good luck with sewing projects! You'll have to post the TV clip when it airs. Also, will your doc let you have heartburn meds? I had horrible heartburn with first 2 but like the last month with Carter they said I could take OTC heartburn (can't remember which) and it like 97% fixed it, it was awesome.
