Tuesday, July 29, 2014

almost 38 weeks

Getting ready to meet our baby girl. Last Wednesday I was 2 cm dilated, we'll see if I've changed much tomorrow. I can't really think of anything else to do to get ready. Both kids rooms are decorated, we have diapers and anything else we should need. We rearranged and actually decorated our room so there is room for the bassinet and rocking chair. The baby seems to have dropped down so my ribs aren't so sore, which is nice. I feel ready and nervous at the same time. I'm kinda afraid it've forgotten how to have a baby since Elliot was so different; I never even felt contractions (epidural was in before so my blood pressure wouldn't go any higher) and I didn't push at all-he sorta slid out being so small. I'm sure ill remember just fine and it will go great, but I am still nervous for labor. I actually had to go to labor and delivery Saturday because I was super swollen and couldn't get it to go down, which is a sign of preeclampsia. My blood pressure was fine though so they just monitored me and baby for 45 min and sent me home. They want me to be extra cautious though, so every little thing is important.

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