Sunday, August 9, 2009

CANASTA tournament scores

#8 Penny: 7,775
#7 Maili: 8,025
#6 Becky: 8,460
#5 Thomas: 9,025
#4 Adam: 9,460
#3 Kenneth: 9,790
#2 Orson: 10,705
#1 RICHARD: 11,250

Saturday night we had a big Canasta tournament at our house. We had 2 games going on at once and each round we switched partners. There were 10 rounds total. Kenneth took the lead for the majority of the game until the championship round in which Orson and Richard overthrew his rule by getting 6 Canastas in one round and an astonishing 2,980 points. Perhaps an all time high score.


  1. Wow. Almost 3000 points in a game? That's the big leagues.

  2. Orson and Penny taught us last night, and I might add me and Penny way beat Orson & Ryan so I think I'm ready to play in the big leauges now:)
