Sunday, January 17, 2010


For Christmas, Richard got us a kitten. It has been a lot of fun. He is kind of a crazy cat sometimes, but we love him most of the time. He is amazing at playing fetch. Better than most dogs and the ball isn't covered in spit when he brings it back. He even puts the ball back into my hand after he retrieves it. Pretty smart cat. Unfortunately like a dog, he wants to eat anything we are eating. He will jump up on the table, your lap or even right onto your plate and attempt to steal food. I even caught him licking some strawberry jam that had spilled onto the table cloth. One day he climbed my leg to try and get some cheese. He loves plastic bags and ribbon and anything that rolls or moves quickly (like toes). He isn't always hyper though, which is nice.

He really likes to cuddle and sit on our laps, which is cute. He even let Richard practice his swaddling techniques on him. I don't think most cats would tolerate that. It will be interesting when the baby comes and he has to compete for attention though. I'm a little afraid for that. (and only 49 days until Libby's due date!)

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