Liberty is 2 months old now! At her dr's appointment she measured 23.5 inches (90th percentile) and 10 lbs 10 oz (50th percentile). I don't know how she got so big. I am not sure the height is totally accurate b/c she was squirming around quite a bit. The Dr was very impressed by Libby and said she acted more like a 3 month old. (But who isn't impressed by Libby's awesomeness?) She is starting to grasp things a lot more, like rattles, monkey's and mommy's hair
She also likes to suck on her fingers, it's so cute. She still likes tummy time and tries so hard to crawl. I'm sure one of these days when I'm not looking, she'll crawl away. She is also sleeping much better. Only a few nights all the way till morning, but lately I've only had to get up once to feed her, so we're getting there.