Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Fun

We've been having a lot of fun on Richard's days off lately. Bellingham 2 weeks ago and Great Wolf Lodge last week. This week though is dentists and doctors...lame.
We had fun in Bellingham visiting my sister and her family. Libby and Laila are getting to more evenly matched now that Libby can sit up. Libby kept stealing Laila's toys. I'm pretty sure Libby is going to be the bossy/mischievous one out of those two. We went to a really pretty park on the water and had a picnic and drank delicious hot cocoa. (yes, hot the 80 degree weather). Richard and Zack had fun talking about police stuff and watching you tube videos and Sarah and I had fun talking coupons and crafts and watching the So you think you can dance finale. :) Richard and all the 10 yr old neighbor boys had a big water fight. Zack joined in for part of the time, but wimped out. lol. Richard couldn't pass up a good water fight. Us girls and babies watched safely from the porch.

Last week, we were planning on going to Ocean Shores and invited Penny and Mom. Kind of last minute, we all decided Great Wolf lodge would be at least as fun. Basically it is a cool hotel with a big indoor water park. Libby loves swimming so we thought everyone would have a good time and with it being a hotel we could just go upstairs at nap time, etc. It was awesome. Penny, Richard and I had fun going on the Tornado water slide, which was like a funnel. Pretty scary, but very fun. The kiddy pool area was nice. Libby could sit in the shallow part and splash.

Richard and Libs worn out from all the fun an me and Libs in the kiddy pool

Just finished going down the water slide & Richard and i getting soaked by 1000 gallons of water

Other happenings in our lives. Libby is 6 months old today! Which flew by so fast. She loves to jump in her johnny jump up, which is very funny. She laughs a lot too, which is the best (if you haven't already, check out the videos on youtube/facebook). She really is the cutest baby ever. Just started her on baby food, I have to fight her for the spoon, she is very grabby. We are also planning on moving out of our apartment and in with family at the end of September so we can save money for Richard's college. We are still waiting to hear from BYU-I, (the deadline to turn in applications isn't till Oct 1, but he's finished w/it already). Hopefully we'll be there in January. We are excited.

Libby peaking at me when I came to get her in the morning and Libby wearing dino outfit