Thursday, May 3, 2012

April happenings

April flew by so fast! I can't believe it's already over. The weather has been getting nicer which means we are outside a lot more. Liberty loves the playground and going on walks. We bought a baseball bat and a softball at DI and have a mitt and another baseball and have gone up to the byu-i playing fields to enjoy hitting the ball and throwing the ball back and forth. Libby is becoming a nice ball retriever and enjoys running around. Richard was surprised that I am actually not bad at baseball. It's probably the only sport I am decent at and don't feel ridiculous playing. I think Richard put a couple pics on facebook of us.

In the middle of the month we got really sick. Liberty's fever went up to 104 and she was up all night. It was so sad to see her that sick. She fell asleep on Richard and was so cute and snuggly. She was the first to get it: cough, sore throat, fever, general yuckiness. I got it the next day and then Elliot and Richard started to get symptoms. Neither of the boys got it very bad, I made them get medicine at the first sign of symptoms. Elliot did lose his voice though which was beyond pitiful sounding and decided he didn't want to sleep through the night anymore. :(  (We are almost back to his 10pm-8am schedule, he's been sleeping till about 5-6 am and I feed him and he goes back to bed)

We're not sure how this picture happened, because we were pretty sure she was makes me smile though

Daddy made Libby a nest out of blankets, she thought it was amazing

How sweet is she? I love a sleeping toddler

We have a nebulizer for Libby. She coughs A LOT and the Dr thinks she might have something called Reactive Airway Disorder (basically asthma for little kids)

I forgot to write about Easter. Libby was very excited about the candy mostly. We had an egg hunt thing in our apartment complex that she enjoyed mostly because all her friends were there. This is my attempt at making Seasame Street Easter eggs with Libby. Elmo, Oscar, Ernie and Cookie Monster

Libby checking out my work, she really liked them.

He's just too cute
 At the end April we went down to Utah for a wonderful visit with my family and most importantly my baby brother's wedding! The trip was definitely not long enough! I love my family so much! (I wish I took more pictures, I'll have to get some from my mom, sisters and SILs) It was fun to see Libby play with all her cousins and get spoiled by her aunts and uncles. It was fun to show off little Elliot since most of my family hadn't met him yet. He has many admirers now and a few of his aunties tried to kidnap him from us. Libby keeps telling me "I need to go to Utah and see Cody" (or another cousin) Today she randomly came up to me and said "I miss Grant, he's funny" (her uncle). While we were in Utah we spent lots of time going back and forth between my brother's houses and the wedding and a brief visit with Richard's sisters where we met our newest nephew who is soooo cute and tiny! We also had a fun time at the Legacy pool in Lehi with all the little Hill cousins! I was also pleasantly surprised at how well the kids did on the car trips, I know 4 1/2 hrs isn't that long but with 2 little kiddos it can feel REALLY long. I drove down with the kids without Richard early so I could get more family time without Richard missing too much school. We stopped twice to let Libby run around and change diapers and feed Elliot making the trip a little longer, but they both took naps and were happy most of the ride. I was very happy. The ride home went pretty smoothly too. Libby slept most of it and was really funny when we stopped to feed Elliot around 10pm. We let her sit up with us and she kept saying the funniest things and was just being really silly.  Ex: She felt the ceiling of the car and said "oooh, I like this" and started giggling and feeling it more.

Waiting for the wedding to start. Libby and Laila playing piano with the Groom. Matthew's being a bit creepy as usual. haha.
Our future pianist
Elliot "running" around with uncle Zack
Aunt Sarah made this awesome Rapunzel dress and wig for Libby! She loves it, even if you can't tell from her expression. Getting her to make a nice smile for the camera is proving to be quite the challenge
So pretty!
Other happenings are the kids are on night 3 of sleeping in the same room and it's going really well. We are very relieved, but to be honest I kind of miss Elliot being in our room. I like to look at him all snuggled up and sleeping right before I get in bed. He is so cute and today is his 1/2 birthday! I can't believe he's 6 months already. I will write more about that on Monday or later after we get all his official measurements at his Dr's appointment. Not looking forward to him getting shots though. :(  Next week we go to TEXAS! I'm pretty excited about that. We've been prepping Libby for it too, quizzing her on who is going to be there. She is looking forward to seeing more family. It's hard for her to wait a whole week.


  1. Elliot is such a cutie and Sarah made an awesome Rapunzel outfit. I'm impressed with the long blond hair that came prebraided.

  2. Oh such cute pictures, its so cute to see Libby sleeping with her daddy and Elliot is such a cutie!

  3. The bowtie rocks. Libby always looks like she's having the best day of her life.
