Thursday, October 17, 2013

Almost 2

I can't believe it's almost been 2 years since this cutie surprised us! He is such a joy.

He might not talk a ton, but I think he is pretty smart. I've been babysitting a lot and I've come to be very grateful for my children's great attention spans. Elliot has been able to sit through a movie for a really long time, I thought all kids this young could, but apparently not. If I get out blocks or cars for him he sits and plays for a long time too. Some days it drives me crazy when I have to babysit and the kids just don't play longer than 2 minutes with something and get into everything. I'm very blessed with such awesome kids :) 

 I love watching Elliot play with cars, it's so cute. HE makes these funny growl/vroom car noises as he drives across the room and then lines them all up like they are stuck in traffic.
 He also can make decent towers. I think the record is 7 blocks without it falling. (I think mine is 10 stacked 1 by 1 like that, so 7 is pretty good)

See that's about to come in to use
and no more tower! Elliot loves to attack his towers or lines of cars with balls using great sound effects.

1 comment:

  1. That third to last picture, Boot's expression is all Richard there.
