Thursday, October 17, 2013


Richard is graduating (fingers crossed) on April 11th! There was a career fair here last week and Richard scored some interviews already. He's interviewed with McAfee (Idaho falls), the Church (Salt Lake), {insert company name I forgot}(Indiana), and a few others. Those are the ones that went really well and seem promising. If you want us to move near you, please send us any information you have about Software Development type jobs in you area :)  I am kinda hoping for a job in Washington to come up b/c I  don't want to live in Utah and Indiana is so far from any family and although my BFF lives in Idaho Falls, the winters here drag on forever. Plus everyone in our families goes to Washington to visit at some point during the year anyway, it seems a convenient place to be. I'm really excited for Richard and it's so great to see an end in sight. It feels like we've been in school a really long time. If you added my school time with Richard's it's been like 8 years of college.   


  1. OK. We will look in Washington because that would be awesome to have you near.

  2. Where in Indiana? Indianapolis is a really awesome city. Good luck with your job search!
