Wednesday, May 7, 2014

new doctor

So, I should probably write about our new place, but I don't have any pictures yet and want to wait till it's a little more decorated. Anyways, last week I met my new obgyn for this pregnancy and I am so happy! ISo much better than my rexburg drs! He actually takes my previous history of HELLP syndrome seriously! He seemed a bit surprised when he asked what tests they have been doing and I told him none because my Dr said I wasn't high risk. I am definitely high risk and he will be monitoring my pregnancy more closely. Next visit I get to have an ultrasound, glucose test (which i normally would do), extra blood tests and a 24hr urine test (not so excited about that last one, but if it helps...). He talked with me for a long time and made sure I knew how to get ahold of him/nurses at any time and when to go to the hospital. It was just nice to get some validation on my fears of complications and possible death(the mortality rate is up to 25% for HELLP! Yikes).
I am getting excited for another girl and have been planning the nursery decor already. I am planning on pink and "Tiffany" blue with maybe some other colors. I really should decorate the living room, but baby stuff is just so cute. I cut out a diaper bag last night and hopefully I'll get that finished soon and get use out of it before baby even gets here

If anyone is interested in learning about HELLP, here are some of the links I've gone to


  1. That is weird that your last doctor didn't consider you at high risk. You had a premature baby last time due to HELLP syndrome, doesn't that automatically make you high risk? I can't even fathom. I'm glad your new doctor is taking you seriously! And of course I hope you have a routine and uneventful pregnancy this time around :D

  2. I am so glad this doctor is more realistic aqnd helpful. Love you.
