Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baby #3

We are excited to announce that Baby #3 is another Girl! (we would've been excited about a boy too). This morning we got final votes from the kids. Elliot has never said "boy" or "girl" ever that we can think of and immediately said "girl" when Richard asked him. We even asked a 2nd time worded differently and he said the same thing and he was right. Libby has been saying girl from the beginning mostly because she loves pink and girly things. I kept changing my mind, but figured someone should guess boy. I thought it was boy for the first trimester and then kept picturing a girl.

Baby was perfect size and looked healthy. We get another ultrasound at 28 weeks to make sure things are still going well. The placenta is a little close to the bottom and they are hoping it moves out of the way so I don't have to have a C-section. We will probably name her Eleanor, Richard and I both really like it and hardly agree on any other names. Haven't quite got to thinking of middle names yet. Possible nicknames though are: Ellie, Ella, or Nora.

Here's a few pics
Her first hair bow ;)

She was super wiggly, so getting a good 3d pic was hard

She was snuggling the side

Cute little feet

Heart beat was nice and strong. High because she was getting her exercise

Cute profile with her hand by her face


  1. Oh cute baby Eleanor will fit right with her cute brother and sister.

  2. I love the name Eleanor! Ellie for short will be cute. So happy Brynn will have a little friend!

  3. SO exciting!!! I love Eleanor! I love the name Nora too! Can't wait to see what she looks like (:
