Friday, November 7, 2014

Liberty's stories

A few weeks ago Liberty wanted me to write down her dream. So she talked and I wrote. Of course it has to start with "once upon a time." 

Grasshoppers by Liberty Bell (age 4)
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Liberty and some grasshoppers. Some were yellow, some were gray and some were black. Liberty and Addie were planting something. They planned to plant a grasshopper tree. A lot of grasshoppers jumped out at them because they wanted the grasshopper tree. The tree grew and grew until it got bigger. Then he grasshoppers climbed up the tree and lives in it forever. And then the grasshoppers jumped out to play hide and go seek. Two of them were counting. They wanted Liberty and Addie to play with them so they counted too. The girls were going to look for the grasshoppers. The girl grasshopper is Bella Stella and the boy grasshopper is named jack. The grasshoppers love Liberty and Addie. 

The end

Grasshoppers part 2

Once upon a time me and Addie planted flowers and the grasshoppers loved the flowers. The Grasshoppers jumped on the flowers. The flowers bloomed. We help them build a nest for the baby grasshoppers because they didn't have a nest. 

The end

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