Monday, January 5, 2015

Liberty's Ballet Recital

Liberty started Ballet in August at a studio walking distance from our house (the main reason I chose it).  She has made lots of friends there and is doing well. It's pretty cute to watch them and about half the kids have a sibling close to Elliot's age that's in the waiting area so we all enjoy going. In June the class will be performing with all the older kids in a production of Sleeping Beauty. I"m excited, i'm sure it'll be adorable.  For Christmas they did a little in class recital for the parents. It's the Chinese dance from the Nutcracker.  Libby did much better in class practicing then on the video, I think she must have gotten nervous. All the girls were very excited when the teacher told them they got to wear special sparkly tutus for the performance. (Sorry for the shakiness, we were holding kids while recording)

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