Friday, July 16, 2010


We took Libby swimming last night for the first time and we had a great time. Libby is a little fish. She loved it, kicked away. We were hoping she would b/c she seems to love bath time. We went to the YMCA and it happened to be family swim time and free (at least we hope it was free, there was no one at the window to pay and the doors to the locker room were open and the life guards didn't say anything...). There were only 3 other people in the pool while we were there, which was nice. We are hoping to go back every week since she had so much fun.


  1. Oh fun! Swimming babies are so cute:)

  2. I missed it - next time though I want to see her loving the water.

  3. haha, speakin of Liberty, I remember when I first heard you guys were having a baby, Richard said "I have an announcement: We got a pet squirrel!" I ACTUALLY started to congratulate him on that before Becky followed up with the "jk i'm pregnant."
