Sunday, March 20, 2011

Conversations with a 1 year old

Some conversations with Libby this week:

me: "what do you want to do today?"
L: "cracker"

L: whining and trying to climb me
me: "honey, what do you need?"
L: "cracker"

L: standing up in her high chair and trying to climb out
me: "Libby! What do you say when you want out?"
L: "cracker?"
me: sigh, "Up, you say up"
L: "up!"

me: pointing to a picture in her book "who is that?"
L: "elmo"
me: "no, that's Penny, can you say Penny?"
L: "cookie"

I seems cracker is the answer for almost all questions, even when she really does not want to eat a cracker. Elmo or cookie (cookie monster) are the next most common answers. Her vocabulary is continuing to grow rapidly, it amazes me how many words she says.


  1. Libby sounds like such a fun and smart little girl. She seems to have a great vocabulary for a 1 year old, and I think cracker is a good answer for just about everything :)

  2. Ahh. Lucky Libby that you take so much time to talk to her and teach her. She is just so cute.
