Thursday, March 31, 2011

Finished UFO's

Okay so this is a follow up to a post a few weeks ago. (you can see it here) Here are all the projects I finished in March. I was a little lazy on the picture taking.....sorry.

1. Take khaki's in. I bought these really cute khaki's a little too soon after I had Liberty and they were always falling off since I lost a ton of weight from nursing. No before picture. I unpicked the back of the waistband and the center belt loop. Then I put 2 darts behind the pockets. Then I cut a couple inches off of the waistband (behind the belt loop). Then I stitched it together and sewed the waistband back on and put the belt loop back on. They fit so much better and I don't think it's very noticeable when they are on! I was so afraid that it would turn out terrible, but it was a success!

2. Bow holder for Libby. I started this last summer, but there was no way to hang it on the wall and the board that I covered was ridiculously hard to put a nail or thumbtack or anything in. I fixed the ribbons on it b/c they were loose and not as evenly spaced as they should've been. To hang it on the wall I glued little loops of ribbon on the back and hung them on nails. They seem sturdy. I also made this banner for the wall. it was an unplanned project.
3. Libby's b-day book. I designed a book that goes month by month through Libby's first year. I planned to do it shortly after she was born, but obviously couldn't do it till after her birthday. I found a site where you could get a hardback 8x10 book and only had to pay shipping. So it was 7.99. It came yesterday and it's super fun. I like it and so does Libby.

4. Hem plaid dress. It's the dress I wore in our engagement pictures. The hem has slowly been unraveling for years and I finally fixed it. No picture, it's kind of boring.

5. Doll pants. Libby got a doll for her birthday but it only had a diaper and shirt, so I decided it needed pants. If you remember my V-day outfit for Libby. well, it didn't start out so good. I made the mistake of making a pattern off of stretchy pants and didn't allow for seam allowances or the fact that my fabric was not stretchy. So basically I had pants that were so skinny there was no way they'd fit. Richard laughed a lot at the result. well, I luckily didn't throw them away and I was able to cut them off (a lot) and make them into pants for the doll. Here's a picture of the matching babies.

6. Belt for Libby. The problem with Libby being 70% for Height and 3% for weight is that pants do not fit well. 6 months are too short and 12 months are too baggy. I had this elastic belt from a long time ago and I just unpicked it and made it smaller. Way cuter than if I had started from scratch. It took about 5 minutes and most of that was fighting with my sewing machine (which is kind of a piece of crap). Also Libby loves it and her pants don't fall down.

7. Pretend money for Libby's wallet that I made in January. It was fun to make. Just green paper, stickers, and colored pencils.

8. Card for Grandpa. I had a 4 generation picture printed for him in December and never made a card to send it in. I didn't take a picture of it before i mailed it though.

9. T-shirt dress. I put this shirt away instead of giving it to DI awhile ago after seeing some cute t-shirt dress tutorials on various craft blogs. It turned out way cuter than i expected. I love it. I might do another one and write out step by step directions. It probably took 1-2 hours. I'm not sure exactly b/c I didn't do it all in one sitting.

10. T-shirt quilt. I've been holding on to old t-shirts that I love for years. The oldest one on there is from 5th grade (red softball shirt). About a year ago I cut them all out into squares. Then in December I finally sewed them all together. I wanted to put flannel on the back but never got around to it. I looked for a flannel sheet at walmart a few weeks ago and couldn't find a single one, but I found this really cute striped sheet and it was $5! I fell in love with the fabric. I have enough left over to make a sun dress for Libby (I think). I think I'm gonna get another sheet to use to make myself a skirt. So if you want some cheap yardage, I recommend walmart top sheets (they have just about every color and some cute polka dots, striped ones too). I guess this project isn't 100% done b/c i haven't tied it. I realized I do not have a needle that is big enough to put yarn through. Our car broke last week too, so I haven't had time to go to the store to get a needle. But it's 90% finished and I have used it a few times.

11. Quiet book. I've been working on this since January. I completed a few more pages. Clock, bead-pattern page, mailbox, apple tree (which I need to mend now). I also got rings to put through and sewed some of the pages back to back. Hooray! (also, I know the clock creature is kind of creepy)

The rest of the projects are getting there. The skirt I'm taking in is mostly ready to put the zipper back in, but I am embarrassed to admit even after all those years of 4-H sewing projects, I have no idea to put the (invisible) zipper in. It seems that I relied a bit too much on my mom for that. The skirt refashion project is going really well, but I decided other things have been waiting longer, so I put it to the side, but I'd say it's over 1/2 done. The diaper bag should really be fixed in about 5 minutes (the lining is coming unstitched where the straps go on), but that would mean that I would have to empty it all out and it just seems really boring. Next month maybe. The artwork for the bathroom is still a blank canvas, but I have sketched out what I want to paint. It's just a matter of deciding what colors and sitting down and doing it. Our house is a disaster though b/c we emptied out our dead car and everything is on the kitchen table and living room. That is today's project.....maybe.