Monday, March 19, 2012

New Job and new major

Richard started a new job today!!! In Rexburg!!!! No more driving to/from Idaho Falls every day (probably almost 6 hours a week). No more spending $250/month on gas! I am so excited. It's only a part time job which will be perfect when school starts for him again next month. He is still working for Sprint. He is at their kiosk at the school book store. It's right next to the buildings where his classes will be too, so he will be able to go from class to work! It will be pretty sweet. We are excited.

Classes start in a little less than a month. Richard switched from Computer Science to Computer Information Technology with a minor in Computer Science. He'll be able to graduate in a shorter time doing this. It will still be at least Dec 2013 before he graduates, but he will get out of taking some math and science classes which I know he is excited about.


  1. That is awesome that he doesn't have to commute anymore! December 2013 is not that far away either, I bet that is a nice feeling.

  2. I'm all for less schooling, as bad as that sounds. I was glad I did English with editing so I could take the fewest classes possible. And hallelujah for less commute!

  3. Ya, Dec 2013. i didn't know he was that close. Information Tech will be a good fit for Rich I think.

  4. Can Richard get me a sweet deal on an iPhone?
