Monday, March 19, 2012

Potty Training and Libby being goofy

Potty Training is going really well. Libby stayed dry 3 out of the last 5 days. (not including nighttime and nap time, which we will work on after day times are successful). She even stayed dry during the primary activity we had and several times when we've been outside playing. Unfortunately we have yet to convince Libby to go #2 in the potty. We are even bribing her with ice cream sandwiches instead of jelly beans which she gets for #1. She tends to save her business for naptime when she has a diaper on. Lately though she has been taking that diaper off and then I have to clean up a big mess. Not fun for me. Any advice on how to stop this behavior would be appreciated. And she doesn't mind pooping in the panties, so making her wear those at naptime will probably not fix the problem. I'm so proud of her being able to tell me (most of the time) when she needs to go and her actually making it to the bathroom. It's really nice.  She gets super annoyed with me though if I ask her if she needs to go potty too often. I'm beginning to trust she'll tell me. Every time I suggest it she yells "NOOOOO!" in a whiny, annoyed tone of  voice. what a stinker.

This is not related to potty training but was funny. Yesterday Richard was sleeping on the couch after church and we wanted to go on a walk, so I told Libby to go poke daddy and tell him he was a lazy bum. She's a pretty good parrot, so she went in and tried to wake him unsuccessfully. Awhile later he got up and came into the bedroom where we were playing and Libby kept saying "Daddy, you crazy bum!" over and over again. It was pretty funny. That's also what she said to him as he left for work this morning. :) I love her! She makes me laugh so much.


  1. no, you're a crazy bum libby! that's our new conversation

  2. I consider myself the antithesis of a good potty trainer since Addie took like a year to get potty trained. Seriously, we just threw away the last potty chart last week. And she still feels the need to take off all her clothes to go potty, which should make for some interesting stories when she starts preschool this year.
