Libby went to the dentist for the first time last week. She did great! They had a slide/playground thing in the waiting room a t.v. on the ceiling with Cinderella playing while they cleaned her teeth. (Pretty awesome dentist office) She was so good and opened when they asked her too. I am very proud of her. But, as I expected she had a cavity. The only people who can be blamed for this cavity are me and Richard for letting our children eat way more sugar than they probably should and being terrible about brushing their teeth every single day. Parent Fail :( Well, we are doing much better at that now. Yesterday was the big day for Libby to get that darn cavity filled. She once again amazed us with her braveness and did great. They didn't even need to give her laughing gas, that's how awesome she was. This time she got to watch her favorite movie Toy Story 2 and Daddy was there with her favorite blanket and her Jessie toy to comfort her. Richard said she looked like she was going to fall asleep for part of the time.
Elliot loves getting his teeth brushed, so hopefully we will be better about his keeping his teeth clean and not have to deal with cavities for him so early.
I have to say we have failed a little in that respect as well. And for a total fail we haven't taken him to the dentist yet. The good news is that nothing is permanent teeth yet.