Friday, October 26, 2012

Snow day

It snowed a ton yesterday. Liberty loved it! Elliot seemed kinda neutral about it. He wouldn't eat it since it is cold, but he didn't really mind sitting in it. I think he enjoyed watching his Daddy and Libby throwing snowballs and having a fun time in general. Libby was burying herself in the snow and having a blast until she realized she was drenched to the bone and freezing. Then she was all about going inside for popcorn and hot cocoa. :)
Elliot :) He immediately took his shoes and hat off when I put him down

The best part about snow is eating some

Even Richard thinks so

I love Elliot's funny faces

and Libby's

i'm actually in a picture

Snuggling while the hot cocoa was being made. It was sweet, although Libby looks a bit creepy

My cousin Jill gets home from her mission in a week. Since we can't be there, we made a sign and took a picture.

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