Saturday, July 9, 2011

pregnancy update

I guess we can start taking guesses on the gender of baby #2. We have our ultrasound on July 29th! Less than 3 weeks away! We are very excited. Here's some belly pics. I actually have a really decent tan (well farmers tan) and I'm pretty impressed with myself b/c I don't tan. I guess WA sunshine isn't as effective as Idaho's b/c I spent 2 summers working at boys and girls club where I was outside a lot.
16 weeks, showing off my farmers tan

17 weeks (Fri July 8)


  1. Ah, such a cute little baby bump! I'm guessing it's going to be a baby sister for Libby!

  2. I'm so excited for you! I'm guessing boy so you can have one of each :) I think Libby would like a brother.

  3. I'm going to say boy, purely out of selfish desires for Carter to have a boy cousin.

  4. I will also say boy. David say's girl :)

  5. For some reason I didn't know you were pregnant again, which is odd because I have looked at your blog and facebook page recently. Anyways congrats! I say boy.
