Friday, July 29, 2011


So it's a BOY! We are pretty excited. We didn't know we'd get to see him in 3D, but it was pretty awesome. I always thought the 3D pictures were kind of creepy, but watching his little face in 3D was pretty awesome. He is really cute already. He was very cooperative and showed us everything we needed to see. He's in the 57th percentile for weight, which means he's slightly above average, but lucky for me his head seems to be a little bit smaller than normal which is very comforting. I would love another small headed child like Liberty. My mom always tells me how I had a huge head when I was born and it's sort of scared me a little. Everything seems healthy and good, it's amazing all the things they can tell using those machines. Also, feel free to suggest boy names. Right now Richard wants to name him Norhinkle or Boot......ummmm, yeah not really excited about either of those and will use my veto power against them.


  1. Agreed. Most of the 3D shots kind of look creepy but he looks like a little Libby! So cute!

  2. Ha! I was right :) Congratulations you two! I am glad to hear that everything is going well. Names are hard... I am a fan of classic strong names for boys, the top name I had was Emmitt but it just didn't fit my little guy (maybe it will for the next?) but you are welcome to use it :)

  3. Congrats Becky, Richard, & libby!!!! The 3d is cool...and hes so cute!

  4. You're having another baby? Congratulations! Everybody is having babies... it's so exciting! And you know me, I LOVE names... I'm such a weirdy. lol!

  5. That's so exciting! My sister says boys are a bigger handful than girls though, so good luck!
