Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm feeling random cuz it was a long day, so here's some of my thoughts...

No nap turns Libby into a little stinker butt. But I still love her more than anything (well maybe it's a tie between her and Elliot and Richard, I can't choose favorites).

I cannot get used to the smells that come out of this adorable little boy.

Elliot hasn't pooped all week and I am scared for when he does. Maybe I should put him in his green jammies, he loves to have blowouts in those ones.

I love doing taxes. Why on Earth did I study psychology? I should've become an accountant like my mom. I love math and data entry. I'm pretty darn nerdy and I'm totally okay with that. (I do love psychology books though, so I guess that's why, even though it's practically useless unless I get a masters which I have no intention of doing) I also love seeing the amount increase on my tax return as I input more information. So glad we don't owe anything this year, i think :)

I think we will use our tax return money to go to Texas for Orson's graduation. I've never been to Texas so I'm excited. It will be interesting traveling w/ 2 kids though and hopefully not too miserable and hopefully we can work it out with Richard's school schedule...

I am sick of moving. Our apartment is full of stuff I don't know where to put. Why do we have so much stuff and why is it so hard to throw things away? I am afraid we won't get our other apartment as clean as I'd like to b/c we only have a couple hours each evening and only one of us can go at a time so the other can stay with the kids, unless we get a babysitter which isn't as easy as it sounds.

Why is it so hard to ask for help? I know if I turn the situation around, I'd be happy to help someone else, but it's still hard to ask. I don't know why.

I hate it when people brag about how wonderful their lives are. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I really don't feel super happy all the time. I feel tired and grumpy and I'm sure other people feel that way, but sometimes people's status updates make me feel like they have these perfect lives and I am doing something wrong if I ever get annoyed at my husband or children.

Is it bad that I really wanted to punch this girl who told me her 1 year old takes 3 long naps everyday and sleeps from 7 pm to 9 am every night? I can barely remember Libby taking 2 naps. Did she ever take 3 naps? I guess when she was a baby. I can't believe she'll be 2 in less than a month, but at the same time I feel like she is so smart she should already be 2 or 3.

I love that I usually only have to get up 1 time in the night with Elliot. I make sure he's nice and full around 11 when I go to bed and don't have to get up till 5ish and then he goes back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. I am still pretty grumpy about getting out of bed though, I am thankful for his sleeping habits though. I don't think I could make it through the day if he woke up much more than that.

I love chocolate so much. I don't think I could ever cut it out of my diet. I feel like my day is wasted if I don't eat any. Someday I am afraid I will become really fat. I hope it doesn't happen, but since I don't believe in dieting, it probably will. I believe in exercise though, so maybe I will be safe.

The weather is being really weird. Usually there is a few feet of snow piled up, but there is only a couple inches. Unfortunately I still feel it's too cold to go on a walk with Elliot, so I feel confined to the apartment. I think I may go insane soon.

Our shower is leaky and our floors are squeaky. I need to fill out a maintainance request for the shower, but I'm too lazy to bundle the kids up to go get a form.

Today Liberty sang me some songs, it was happy. She also discovered that it's really funny to blow her hair out of her face. I love hearing her giggle.

Last week I had to go to nursery with Liberty and the teachers were telling me how smart Libby was and how much they will miss her when we go to our new ward. It made me happy to hear that, I am sometimes afraid I am biased when I talk about how smart and adorable she is, so I'm glad others feel the same way. I think Libby will miss her nursery buddy, Jace. I am also worried the new teachers won't be as good, I can tell the current ones are really doing a great job. I should write them a thank you note or something.

Baby smiles are my favorite thing to look at.



  1. Becky I can assure you that I feel the same way, tired, grouchy, trapped, overworked, but still love my kid (soon to be kids) more than anything else. Being a Mom is hard, especially with young kids. Being a Mom and trapped in the house is really hard. I have learned to talk to Chris when I feel like the walls are closing in around me, he is good now at putting his needs aside and letting me have some time, even if it is just a walk by myself. It helps a little :) Hang in there!

  2. This made me laugh.Pretty sure everyone feels like this at times.

  3. Shocking, I can't imagine being annoyed with Richard:)
    When we are sick and can't leave the house for a few days, I begin to self destruct. When carter was born and we were home for a month straight, I was pretty sure I was going to implode. And that was only one month.
    And I haven't seen much of Elliot, but yes--Libby is just as cute as you think she is.

  4. Oh Becky! I feel for you!!! Hang in there. Someday you will no longer be a students wife living on student budgets living a student life. But there are still hard days too when you're not a student...I may not be helping but I sure know how you feel if that helps at all?

  5. I have definitely felt the "everyone else seems to have a perfect life, so what's wrong with me?" feeling. And then you go visit those perfect lives people and realize you really are in the same boat. I think people post just the good stuff because they may not want to share their troubles. I'm with you on all accounts in this post. Poor, student wives have to stick together. We can do it! Love ya!
