Tuesday, July 10, 2012


We had a few firsts this week!

Libby got her first haircut! Mostly just bangs and a little trimming in the back. She keeps saying: "I look just like Sleeping beauty and cinderelly!" 

Right after the haircut

In case you are wondering, she is naked probably 85% of the time if we are inside....I don' tknow why she hates clothes so much, but whatever. I don't care that much.
Elliot is getting his first tooth! Just barely poking through, so it's too hard to get a picture of it yet, but it's in there, trust me. No wonder he's been a bit clingy and a little grumpy the last few days.
Love this face, not sure if I posted this picture before, but it's so cute it deserves to be here 2x if it was in fact in an earlier post

we were trying to get him to get up on his hands and knees, but he wouldn't bend those legs and stayed in a bear crawl position for awhile. maybe he'll just bear crawl instead.
One of my kids is super photogenic...guess which one :)
Seriously, all I have to do is get the camera out and he smiles his adorable smile at me.


  1. so cute!! Miss you guys!

  2. Thanks! who is this anonymous person who misses me?? so very curious

  3. I like the haircut for Libby; and the pictures of both of them are so cute.
