Monday, February 11, 2013

Barf the Ball

Today I was sitting on the 1 couch cushion left on the couch while Libby lined the rest of them up across the living room. She then jumped from cushion to cushion and yelled "hey mom! I'm playing barf the ball". Confused, I asked her to repeat it and again "barf the ball," followed by "do you wanna play mom?" We've tried to get her to explain why she calls her game that, but she doesn't quite understand what "why" means. To be clear, there are no balls and no barf in this game, but it is indeed called barf the ball.... We have a very special, creative child. This is her new favorite game and I hope she plays it forever b/c it makes me laugh every time she says "barf the ball"


  1. Kids say and do weird things. Isaac would love playing barf the ball. Sounds right up his alley. Isaac says "I spooped the booger!" all the time, but we don't know what it means. Cody sings "ring around the rosie, a jacket full of dirt, watch out watch out, we all fall down." I don't know why he sings it that way. They're so great. Get Libby and Cody together and they'd probably make up some really weird stuff.
