Friday, February 8, 2013


For my sister's Christmas present, my brother in law flew me and the kids up to visit her! Best present ever! It was awesome. I was a bit terrified taking 2 kids 2 and under on 2 airplanes each way by myself, but it worked out fine. I took my double stroller so I could run if I needed to and get out of holding 2 kids and carry-ons. On the way home though, security tried to take away most of the snacks I brought for the kids...I was not going for that. We were already a little late and I needed my kids to have snacks (applesauce, toddler formula drink, juice) so they could be plesant. They told me they would have to open every single snack and test them, throw them away, or consent to a pat down. I went with the pat down. It was so worth it. Elliot ate 3 of the 4 applesauce packets, the formula, and part of a juice box and Libby drank the other juice. Elliot apparently was starving on the way home, he ate lots of snacks. He was a good baby and slept most of the last leg of the trip though. Libby fell asleep on the 30 minute leg from Seattle to Bellingham and would not wake up. I had to have a stewardess help me carry Elliot so I could carry her. She was out!
While we were there, the kids were either playing nicely or fighting over a toy. Elliot and Cole were best buds even though Cole is 4 years older. Cole was a lifesaver when it came to entertaining Elliot for us. (especially when the girls got into paint, I don't know what would've happened if Elliot was wanting me at that time).  Elliot mastered the stairs while we were there, which was good since he doesn't really get much chance to practice here and ends up falling down the stairs whenever we go visit Julie. Won't have to worry about that anymore!
Pics of things we did
Dance parties were had

Blue ice cream was eaten (by the kids). Sarah and I had the most delicious Caramel Apple Crisp ice cream.

 The kids and I spent a day in Seattle! The kids were so happy to see their Grandma and Frauntie Jessica. Jessica & I took the kids to the aquarium and then the kids rode the ferry with Grandma. Afterward we went to the Rainforest Café for dinner! It was a lot of fun. The kids loved it and fell right to sleep on the way back up to Sarah's house.
We found Nemo!
Peek a boo!
Elliot loved the octopus

Libby had fun playing with some girl at the aquarium
Kissing the octopus

Frauntie Jessica!


Elliot loved looking at all the animals at Rainforest Café. Libby was terrified when they started moving and refused to leave her seat.

Elliot's favorite spot at Aunt Sarah's house. He'd climb up there and push the buttons to make the cars go around the track. So fun!

Cole and I made all the numbers out of legos together

Elliot mastered the stairs

He was so happy to follow his best bud Cole around.

Playdough dress up dolls were a big hit (when they weren't fighting over who got which princess)
 Sarah and I did some crafting while I was there. Mostly we hung out and chatted and caught up on some much needed sister time. It was lovely.

Tutu Valance we made for Laila's room. Super cute!

Outfit we made for the girls

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