Thursday, February 28, 2013

Party Pictures! video coming soon :)

Libby requested an Angelina Ballerina Birthday Party this year. Since we haven't done anything fancy for either of her other bday's I decided we would make it pretty awesome. I made a bunch of decorations which she thought were fantastic and made a special pink cake and yummy pink sherbet punch (best part of the party). Unfortunately the flu was going around the week of her party and a couple kids couldn't come because of that and then a couple kids couldn't come because there was a big snow storm that morning (like crazy sideways snow). Luckily Libby's 2nd cousin Paisley and little Zach were able to still make it and that was plenty of fun for Libby (and less work for me). I have a bday interview video of Libby, but it'll be it's own post b/c it still has an hour to finish uploading and I am too impatient.
The food table/Decorations for Libby's party

Awesome cake I made

Libby practicing her dance moves before the party in the new tutu I made her. It's reversible and extremely awesome :)

One of Libby's bday presents was a Jessie costume I made for her. She LOVES it. She's worn it the last 2 days

More dance moves

Zach showing off his dance moves at the party

Blowing out candles

Libs and Paisley dancing

And doing stickers

Can't forget this handsome guy hanging out with me at the party

Opening some presents on her actual bday

wearing some of her bday clothes

Playing with the new toys from the grandparents before bed


  1. Those ARE super awesome decorations, especially that cake! I hate that we never get to have Addie and Libby play together, but at least we get to steal Paisley soon.

  2. Yea, that is an awesome cake, very impressive and cute decorations! I love how much personality Libby has!
