Monday, March 25, 2013


So I started an etsy shop back when Libby was a baby (there's a link to it on the right side bar if you scroll down) . I got a few sales on my tutus and hair clips, but not enough to really make much of an effort with the shop. Well, recently I decided to start it up again with some new items. We have a mini crib and when we got it, I realized it's hard to find sheets for them. the ones i found were pretty boring too. So I made one. For some reason it only recently clicked that other people probably have the same problem with finding these teeny tiny sheets. So on Monday I posted 3 different types of mini crib sheets (flannel, cotton, and minky) in many awesome fabric choices. By Saturday I had 2 sales! {Victory dance} I'm pretty excited, less than a week and 2 sales is pretty good. i'm hoping it keeps going well, especially with all the fabric I've bought and sheets I already made....I"m also working on some fun dress up clothes to add to the shop; Mostly aprons that look like princess costumes or superheroes. (aprons are much easier to put on a kid than a full costume, is my thinking). There is this one etsy shop that sells really cute princess aprons and they charge $60! They are cute, but not worth $60. I made a practice Snow white one and it cost me probably less than $4 to make, so I'll probably sell them for $12-15. My goal for my shop is to charge a reasonable price for things, I never buy things on Etsy b/c everything seems way over-priced and I usually figure I can make it or find it on Amazon for a better deal. I assume other people feel that way too.

Anyways....that's pretty much it.


  1. That is very good, what a sense of validation to have them want to buy the cute things that you make.

  2. We never could find good sheets for the mini crib either, I think you may sell lots of those! I feel the same way about Etsy, there are so many cute things but they are so expensive and then you have to pay shipping on top of it! Good luck!!
