Monday, March 25, 2013

Quick kid update

Libby memorized the 2nd Article of Faith! We'll try to record it soon and post it!

Elliot is trying to run already. He only gave up crawling last week, but whatever.

I keep forgetting Elliot can walk and pick him up and carry him randomly b/c I don't want him crawling on a gross floor. I am not used to having 2 toddlers.

Libby is starting to get good at tracing letters/numbers. She'll be writing her name soon. She is also getting a lot better at drawing, not just scribbles anymore. There are crazy stick people and fish and balloons and "L"s all over those pictures now.

Elliot is getting into balls and cars and it's really adorable to see him walking around the house with them. He also loves to carry colored pencils, which is really weird, but I think he sees them as sticks and what little boy doesn't like sticks, right? He is big into stacking things up too and of course knocking them over (Libby doesn't appreciate the last part so much, I hear a lot of "No elliot, that's bad!" followed by exasperated sighs and tattling. I find it amusing and try to reassure her that it's Elliot's job as a brother to knock things over. She doesn't agree with me)

I sure do love these 2 kids and I'm going to go play with them now!

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